To tell the good news you have to tell the bad news

Dear pastor,

I want to share with you a profound reality about ministry and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You and I have the calling, the privilege and the responsibility of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with people. And what a joy it is to tell people of God’s love for them, and His plans for eternity and an abundant life in Christ. But before we can really get them to to understand and receive this, we must help them understand the bad news of where they are apart from Christ.

Confronting people is a weakness that many people and many pastors face. We want people to know we love them and we know that many people are fragile emotionally. Because of this we try to be careful in what we say so as to not add to the pain and suffering they have already endured at the hands of so many but then end up not confronting people. (And let us not forget that we often fail to confront because of our own insecurities, failings and even a desire for people to like and approve of us.)

But to truly disciple people means that we must learn to confront. With the help of the Holy Spirit we will have to give the bad news of what life without Christ looks like in order that we can tell people (or remind them) what Christ offers those who are fully committed to Him.

I pray that you and I will learn from our humble and gentle Savior how to warn people of the harmful effects of sin. May we learn how to lovingly, patiently and graciously confront people about the trajectory of their lives so that then we can point them to Jesus and the path of righteousness where they can walk in holiness, peace and freedom.

Thank you for being so deeply concerned about the condition of their souls. And because you are, please, make every effort to let God use you to share the full gospel found in the Word of God. Remember that the Word of God is useful for rebuking, exhorting, correcting and training in righteousness. Let the Holy Spirit do the convicting but may you and I still lovingly point out to people the traps, obstacles and blind-spots of temptation and sin so that they can truly receive the good news of the full and free salvation available to us in Christ.

So thankful that Christ is with us and Christ is in us and that He will give us the words to say when we obediently go to share His gospel with people.

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