When nothing is going right

Have you ever been in that season of life when everything seems to be falling apart? We almost wonder how it is possible that so many different people, situations, relationships, and things can all begin to collide and simultaneously blow up!  I have been there. Seemingly by nothing we do, everything around us starts toContinue reading “When nothing is going right”

How can we change what we are living for?

In my last blog post I challenged us to look carefully at our lives  (maybe even by looking at our calendars, our credit card statements and our browsing history) in order to discover what we are living for. I asked a number of questions to help us consider what our life is being spent on.Continue reading “How can we change what we are living for?”

What do you live for?

I have always been something of a people watcher. When I am in crowded places like an airport or a busy mall I find it fun to play “detective” or “Sherlock Holmes” and try to deduce what I can about a person based on certain clues that I see in their appearance, hear in theirContinue reading “What do you live for?”

What can I say to convince you to go to church this week?

How can I convince you that you need to be in the house of the Lord this week? How can I convince you that what you are facing, struggling with, feeling weighed down by can all be addressed when you gather together with other people to draw near to God?  Furthermore, what can I sayContinue reading “What can I say to convince you to go to church this week?”

Waiting on a miracle

Have you found yourself in desperate need of something to take place in your life that you had no control over? Maybe a relationship that is strained or broken, maybe a physical need that is excruciating or life-threatening, perhaps a financial need that is unreachable, or even an emotional weight that hangs like a millstoneContinue reading “Waiting on a miracle”

Graciously speaking and living truth in a mixed-up world

This world is full of sin. And shame. And sadness. And brokenness. And the list goes on.  God took on flesh and stepped into this world. Jesus came and lived a sinless life as a perfect example and demonstration of the holy love of the Father. Jesus died a sinless death, taking our sin andContinue reading “Graciously speaking and living truth in a mixed-up world”

The hope for the church is as great as the promises of God

There are so many obstacles, hurdles and difficult circumstances facing the church today. It has been easy for many to give up hope for the church. Whether we look at statistics, trends or personal stories it would seem that the church is facing a difficult path. Fear and pessimism are rampant these days and soContinue reading “The hope for the church is as great as the promises of God”