The most important thing in my life

Dear friend,  I want to share with you the most important thing in my life. My relationship with Jesus Christ is the best and most significant thing in all of my life. When I met Jesus I was just a child but I had already developed such a temper and exhibited such selfishness and angerContinue reading “The most important thing in my life”

The gospel, the good news

Here is the gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus has already paid the price for every debt you have, every sin you’ve committed and every mistake you will ever make Jesus has already come up with the plan and is working that we might be saved and sanctified completely God is sourcing and supplying everything weContinue reading “The gospel, the good news”

Is there evidence for a higher power?

Dear friend, Let me challenge you to think about your life and all that you have personally experienced.  Can you think upon your life and name something that was done for you that you did not do, nor could have possibly done, for yourself?  You know, like giving yourself life? – Your parents did thatContinue reading “Is there evidence for a higher power?”

Life is short, eternity is long and we get to choose

Dear friend, I want to talk to you about something that is very important to me. So important that I am ashamed I haven’t brought it up like this previously.  You already know that I am a Christian and a pastor. As such I’m sure you can guess some of what I believe about GodContinue reading “Life is short, eternity is long and we get to choose”