The hope for the church is as great as the promises of God

There are so many obstacles, hurdles and difficult circumstances facing the church today. It has been easy for many to give up hope for the church. Whether we look at statistics, trends or personal stories it would seem that the church is facing a difficult path. Fear and pessimism are rampant these days and soContinue reading “The hope for the church is as great as the promises of God”

The ministry of preaching

There are many styles of preaching, many thoughts about what preaching is for and various ideas of what happens when someone preaches a sermon. Paul called it the “foolishness of preaching” but then he also reminded us that people can only know the gospel if they are told. (Romans 10:14 How then will they callContinue reading “The ministry of preaching”

What should I invest in?

Invest in what remains. What matters is what remains. In our lives, we invest in many things. What we invest comes in many forms but is covered primarily in four categories: time, energy, money and abilities. We spend these four things on things that matter to us in the moment. And yet if we takeContinue reading “What should I invest in?”

The Need to Be Productive

It is the beginning of a new year. As such we are looking back to see what last year held for us and look ahead to see what is yet to come. In our review of history and in our hopes and dreams for the future, we realize that we analyze the importance of thingsContinue reading “The Need to Be Productive”

Leading others to change

Can I share something with you that I believe will tremendously help you as a leader? All behavioral modification is self-chosen. What I mean is this: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”. In leadership we are constantly seeking to help people improve, discover a better path, realize theirContinue reading “Leading others to change”

There’s not enough room!

I can’t make it fit! Ugh…Argh…Grunt…Push There are times in life that no matter how hard you push, what angle you take, what tools you use, it just seems that you can’t make something fit. It could be a suitcase you are trying to fit in the trunk as you get ready to head outContinue reading “There’s not enough room!”

The pursuit of knowledge

Knowing isn’t enough. In the information age, we all seem to be pursuing more and more knowledge. We are inundated with it. We learn everyday, and indeed we should but it seems as though perhaps our lofty pursuit of knowledge has gone a bit awry. What I mean is this. We keep reading, studying, learning,Continue reading “The pursuit of knowledge”

Leading in the midst of turmoil

What should you do if you find yourself the leader in the midst of turmoil? There are difficulties in life, in the home, in the workplace, yes, even in society. These difficulties stretch us, and bring out both the worst and best in each of us. In an era of social media, blogging and withContinue reading “Leading in the midst of turmoil”

Insurmountable Circumstances, Part 2

In the first part of this series on Insurmountable Circumstances, I talked about the all-important aspects of preparing yourself, your mindset, your character, etc. After you have begun this process (since we never are fully “ready”) then you must take the time to gather the right personnel and equipment. Aside from the inner drive toContinue reading “Insurmountable Circumstances, Part 2”

Insurmountable Circumstances, Part 1

I am in the Rocky Mountains this week. As I gaze up at the beautiful snow-capped mountains I am also struck by the fact that the peaks are rugged, sheer, and without the appropriate means: insurmountable. So what do you do when you come up against something that is insurmountable? As a leader what approach doContinue reading “Insurmountable Circumstances, Part 1”